Health care utilization, Choice of health care provider, Discrete choice model, Disease specification, Determinants of choiceAbstract
Utilization and choice of health care services are two important decision-making issues once an individual perceives or realizes illness. Identifying and measuring the factors that influence health care utilization and choice are important concern for policy makers, to reduce health system inequality. Both demand and supply side factors influence the above-mentioned choice decisions. However, the nature and severity of illness can also affect the above choice decisions. This study has identified and measured the role of disease specification as an important determinant of choice decision along with its influence on other factors. This study also explored the regional and socio-economic variation of factors which hinder the utilization of government-provided health care services. Analyzing the data of women and child household members, the study found that disease specification affects the choice of health care provider and even influences the role of other important factors.
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