Livelihood, Mechanism, Perception, Self-Help Groups, Socio-Economic Empowerment, Tribal WomenAbstract
Women's empowerment is crucial for the overall development of society. Through financial inclusion and skill development training, self-help groups (SHGs) play a crucial role in empowering women, particularly those in rural and underprivileged areas. The study aims to evaluate SHGs’ mechanism in enhancing the livelihoods of tribal women in Sonbhadra and to assess its impact on their socio-economic empowerment and perceptions of SHGs. On the sample of 103, the study employed percentage analysis, one-sample t-test, paired t-test, and regression analysis to evaluate the stated objectives. The study's findings reveal that SHGs’ mechanisms are moderately effective in economically empowering the tribal women of Sonbhadra. After joining SHGs, there has been a substantial improvement in the beneficiaries' income, savings, employment, and expenditure patterns. SHG mechanisms are strong predictors of socio-economic empowerment, and empowered women have a favorable perception of SHGs. The study's results indicate that providing ongoing assistance and expanding SHG efforts may effectively strengthen the socio-economic empowerment of tribal women.
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