



Digital marketing tools, SEO , CMS , social media management , organizational growth, email marketing, analytics


In the contemporary digital era, the marketing landscape has been transformed by digital tools that accelerate business growth. This study explores the impact of various digital marketing technologies on organizational growth, focusing on analytics software, email marketing tools, Search Engine Optimization, content management systems, and social media management platforms. The study integrates qualitative and quantitative research to provide a comprehensive understanding of their effectiveness. A survey involving 110 respondents was circulated to gather primary data, which was forwarded by secondary data from relevant literature. The results are interpreted using statistical techniques such as correlation analyses, ANOVA, chi-square, percentage analysis, and ranking. specifies restrictions on the gathering and processing of data, guaranteeing the accuracy and consistency of the findings. The results highlight how important digital marketing tools are to improving organizational growth and offer practitioners practical advice.


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How to Cite

S, L., & S, P. (2024). A STUDY OF DIGITAL MARKETING TOOLS THAT ACCELERATE GROWTH IN NEW DIGITAL ERA. Sachetas, 3(2), 31-38. https://doi.org/10.55955/320005