Digital Banking, Economic, Financial Literacy, Interest Rates, Millennials, Psychological, Savings, SocialAbstract
The objective of this research is to determine the significance of various factors including, psychological aspects, economic aspects, social aspects, and interest rate variations, that influence the saving patterns of working millennials through digital banking. The research was conducted using survey questionnaires from a stratified random sample of 51 working millennials who have bank accounts in Metro Manila, Philippines. Results showed that psychological aspects (Bet a= 0.430, p-value = 0.006 < 0.05) and interest rate variations (Beta = 0.878, p-value = 0.000 < 0.05) were statistically has significant and had a positive effect on the saving patterns of working millennials through digital banking. However, social aspects (Beta = -0.182, p-value = 0.016 < 0.05) had a negative effect. To where the values of many factors that has been discover, this will be served as the foundation in creating the regression model to be represented as of the y= (0.430)P +(−0.130)E +(−0.182)S +(0.878) +(−0.01), which will assist the bank managers in optimizing their personalized offers for the saving patterns of working millennials.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mr. Christopher M. Ataza, Ms. Mary Ann B. Porcel, Ms. Ladylyn F. Resabal, Mr. Andy Evans G. Sandoval, Assoc. Prof. Cresilda M. Bragas

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