


Ethical Leadership, Meta-analysis, Organizational Performance


In this comprehensive meta-analysis study, we investigate the potential moderating effect of culture on the intricate interplay between ethical leadership and individual-level organizational performance. Our analysis is based on a global collection of studies conducted across diverse regions including Asia, Europe, North America, and other regions. Systematically reviewing the literature, we identified a substantial body of primary studies exploring the relationship between ethical leadership and individual-level organizational performance within the timeframe of 2011 to 2021. These studies span across 28 countries, with select studies encompassing multiple countries, contributing to a total of 86 studies and 127 effect sizes, collectively involving 53,761 individuals. Our findings reveal a significant positive association between ethical leadership and heightened organizational performance. Notably, our analysis indicates that this relationship remains consistent and robust across diverse cultural contexts, as culture does not moderate the observed connection.


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