
  • Dr. Sugandha Verma Department of Commerce, S.M.J.N. (P.G.) College, Haridwar, Uttarakhand



Emotional intelligence, employee productivity, socialization, moderation, women employees, banking sector


This study attempts to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and employee productivity (EP) along with socialization as a moderator by adopting the descriptive and cross-sectional research design through a survey questionnaire from proportionate cluster randomly selected women employees of Uttarakhand, a Himalayan state of north India. On the basis of literature review, hypotheses are formed and reliability and validity of the instrument is verified before the final survey. Results present the positive relationship between EI, socialization and EP. Further, the moderated hierarchical multiple regression confirms the direct impact of EI and a moderation impact of socialization on EP. Some other statistical techniques are also employed to derive the conclusion. Present study acknowledges few limitations, practical implications, and some directions for future research.


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